Wondering about ‘WandaVision’: Season 1, episode 6

Feb. 17, 2021, 7:25 p.m.

Warning: This article contains spoilers for “WandaVision” and other MCU films. 

Episode 6 of “WandaVision” was a rollercoaster. This episode, “All-New Halloween Spooktacular!” is a 90s sitcom Halloween special, touching on the increased tension between Wanda and Vision and the crisis outside of Westview. (Fun fact: The costumes the characters are wearing are their original outfits from the comics.) Here are three things to keep in mind and my takes for the rest of the series and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

1.) Pietro is very aware of the Hex.

Although this is the Quicksilver/Pietro from the X-Men Universe, and everyone acknowledges that he looks different, this Quicksilver is aware of his and Wanda’s background. One hypothesis is that his memories are being altered due to the reality altering aspects of the Westview pocket (or the Hex, as Darcy calls it); thus, he recognizes Wanda as his sister.

However, he is also very aware of the fact that the reality Wanda created is false and controlled by her. Fans are speculating that Dr. Strange sent Pietro to help Wanda ease her grief and end her control. Maybe Dr. Strange prepped Pietro with a backstory before he was whisked into the bubble? In fact, his awareness and presence is quite strange. When talking to Wanda about how she used her powers to create the energy field, Pietro says that he is impressed. Maybe this is a disguise to get on her good side and hopefully end the chaos?

2.) Hayward is a definite anti-hero.

He has become a major asshole. When Monica criticizes how risky his attempt to eliminate Wanda in the previous episode was, he ignores her request for a helpful and sympathetic approach and continues with the plan to kill Wanda. He even brings up Monica’s mother and makes a cold remark about how Monica was not there for her death. He then kicks Monica, Agent Woo and Darcy out of the base.

The three sneak back in, though, and Darcy is able to hack into his files. She discovers that Hayward is hiding information, including that he found a way to look into the boundary and, by tracking Vision, has an accurate headcount of those trapped in Westview. This implies that he knows more than he’s letting on. Looking further into his information, Darcy figures that Hayward has something big planned. But what?

The three then split up, as Woo and Monica meet with an aerospace engineer (wonder who it is?) to get through the Hex and Darcy stays to dig up more data. Eventually, Darcy goes to the outskirts when the chaos occurs at the end of the episode. Upon seeing Vision fall apart as he attempts to leave the Hex, Darcy calls out to Hayward to help him. However, they do nothing and instead arrest Darcy. 

3.) Vision is turning against Wanda.

In the previous episode, Darcy pondered what would happen once Vision found out what the Westview anomaly was. And now that he has, a rift has formed between him and Wanda. Rather than spending time with his family for Halloween, he lies that he is on neighborhood watch duty and instead investigates the outskirts of town. Here, he runs into Agnes, who, when Vision uses his powers to remove her character (as with Norm in the previous episode), expresses her hopelessness and recognizes Vision — acknowledging that he’s dead. Moreover, Vision runs into townspeople, who are sedentary as though they are dying. (Why is the Hex doing this to them? Does it have to do with the radiation or something else?)

Vision attempts to leave the Hex to ask for help; however, when he makes contact with the border, he begins to physically fall apart. (Maybe because he is dead in the real world and the only thing keeping him alive is the Hex?) Billy, who, along with his brother Tommy, found out he has powers, senses that his father is in trouble and can see the S.W.O.R.D. soldiers. This causes Wanda to expand the Hex, capturing Vision, Darcy and the majority of  S.W.O.R.D., with the exception of Hayward and three other men. We can see Monica and Woo driving away from the pocket, punching it when they notice it moving, so we can assume they’re safe and will continue with their plan in the next episode. 

My theories and questions

My first question is something the characters raise in this episode — what will happen to those inside and outside of Westview if Wanda is harmed? And now that it has been revealed that Wanda’s powers can expand the Hex, how far will she go if there is any more conflict, especially in relation to Hayward’s actions?

Speaking of Hayward and regarding questions I made in my previous installment, I definitely do not trust him, especially now that he is threatening to harm Wanda. Now, though, I am unsure about whether Agnes is good. Now that Vision has tapped into her mind, removing her character and revealing her real personality, she seems just as under control as other townspeople. But due to her prominence within the series, there may be more? Guess we’ll find out soon, in the next episode of “WandaVision.” 

Contact Kyla Figueroa at arts ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

Kyla Figueroa ‘24 is the former Vol. 260–262 Managing Editor for The Grind, the 263 Screen DE for Arts & Life, and a staff writer for News. Throw pitches and questions her way — kfigueroa ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

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