Friday, July 26th, 2024
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May 29, 2023
The Editorial Board argues that President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Hoover Director Condoleezza Rice abused the concept of academic freedom to protect Rupert Murdoch’s position on the Hoover Institution’s Board of Overseers. “Actual malice — the knowing or reckless publication of false information — would violate the core purpose of Academic Freedom: the pursuit and dissemination of truth,” the Board writes.
June 4, 2023
Peregrine falcons have been spotted at Stanford since 2011, but biologists have yet to observe a successful nesting season. Although incredibly urban-tolerant birds, the falcons still face the challenges of human disturbances.
May 11, 2023
After a heated 25-minute debate over the media magnates, the senate ultimately did not come to a vote over the resolution due to the loss of a quorum. President Marc Tessier-Lavigne opposed the resolution, claiming it would make the senate a “thought police.”
Oct. 20, 2023
Leaders of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance convened publicly for the first time at the inaugural Emerging Technology and Securing Innovation Security Summit. Condoleeza Rice hosted the discussion, which touched on the dangers of emerging technologies.
May 31, 2024
May 3, 2023
The Hoover Institution’s screening of the 1922 film told the history of America aiding Soviet Russians during the 1922 famine. The film is a testament to the power of art in shaping public perspectives, writes Liu.
Nov. 3, 2022
"Bread + Medicine," the Hoover Institution Library and Archives' latest exhibit, informs viewers of the U.S.' role in offering relief to the Soviet Union during the 1921 famine.
Dec. 1, 2023
The two world leaders’ discussion centered around cooperation between the nations and the future of science and technology. Outside the auditorium, anti-APEC protesters voiced opposition to the summit and expressed disapproval of the two leaders.
March 12, 2023
In an open letter to the the Director of the Hoover Institute, the President, the Provost and the Board of Trustees, 90 Stanford faculty members call for a public accounting of Rupert Murdoch's appointment to the Hoover's Board of Overseers. They write, "we wonder what kind of signal his presence sends to our students, who we are training to seek the truth, and to our colleagues on the faculty, who are constantly held to the highest standards of honesty, truth and responsible scholarship."
June 8, 2023
A Hoover Institution event discussed racial-profiling of Chinese scholars in America and examined institutional efforts to protect research. Speakers talked the 'Chinese Initiative' and its consequences.
Dec. 8, 2023
Stanford faculty members and Hoover fellows discuss the interdisciplinary expertise Stanford offers in the inaugural edition of its Emerging Technology Review, a “one-stop-shopping primer” for policy-makers on 10 key emerging technology areas.
May 23, 2023
“There is a line; there are people Stanford will not associate with,” writes computer science and electrical engineering professor Philip Levis. "Perhaps Ms. Mercer and Mr. Murdoch are close to the line. Perhaps they are far. We won’t know unless we debate the matter and consider the facts."
March 7, 2023
At a Monday event entitled, “Ukraine In Civil War And Famine, 1918-1921”, history scholars discussed the pogroms of 1918-1921 in Ukraine and their impact on the Holocaust.
June 7, 2023
In a show of solidarity with the Undergraduate Senate following the Faculty Senate’s bypassing of their vote on the Honor Code, the GSC unanimously voted to symbolically endorse the rescindment of SenD#831.
March 13, 2024
Outside an event where Hoover Director Condoleezza Rice was speaking about American values, students protested Stanford’s affiliations with corporations that support the Israeli military, including Chevron and Lockheed Martin.
April 12, 2024
The Faculty Senate tabled undoing the public censure of Hoover fellow Scott Atlas, who made anti-vaccine and inflammatory comments during the COVID-19 pandemic, to a later date. The Senate failed to pass a resolution on public Canvas.
Dec. 1, 2022
The annual publication aims to make scientific research on engineering breakthroughs continuously accessible to policymakers.
Dec. 1, 2023
Maryland governor Wes Moore and New Hampshire governor Christopher Sununu joined Hoover Institution director Condoleezza Rice to discuss their solutions to rising political distrust and polarization, from bipartisanship to investing in education and public service.
Oct. 18, 2023
A seminar hosted by the Hoover Institution underscored cooperation with national allies for a secure, sustainable transition to a clean energy future and warned attendees of a political model in China that "denies individual freedom."
May 17, 2024
The EU’s top security advisor Josep Burrell visited the Hoover Institution on Monday — his first visit since his days as a student 50 years ago. He delved into the EU's responsibility in Gaza, Ukraine, China and the digital sphere.
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